Therapeutic Riding Lessons

Therapeutic Riding

Horseback riding improves core strength, balance, and coordination, and increases muscle tone and strength.  It also improves awareness of the physical surroundings.

Participants of all ages and abilities receive instruction in riding and horsemanship with the goal of learning to ride as independently as possible.  This program expands the cognitive, physical, and emotional abilities, and social skills and well-being of each participant.

Lessons are offered in session blocks of eight weeks. Individuals register to participate, but lessons may be either group or private lessons, at the instructor’s discretion. Each lesson is one hour long; lessons are scheduled at the same time and on the same day each week of the session. Lessons include learning about horses, horsemanship, and riding skills. Instruction in English and Western riding styles is offered. Throughout the session, each rider is encouraged and assisted to increase their skill levels to the best of their capabilities. Lessons are all individual-specific and taught by a PATH Intl. Certified Instructor.

How success is measured 
NMCTR conducts a yearly evaluation of each rider and consults with the rider to develop a list of goals and a 7-step process to accomplish the goals. PATH Intl. Certified Instructors work together to evaluate the rider’s progress.

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